Hello World!
My goal for the project would be to document the emerging community as a means to better research and understand how a model for metaphysical gravity could replace the existing model of hierarchical dominance.

It was a pleasure to learn more about you and your work to gather people to reimagine our social architecture as a means to regenerate our living systems.
I am working as a mentor for UX Academy at Designlab. I am also founder of Builders Collective. I was hoping to get your feedback on my proposal for the Living Systems Art + Design Collaboratory.
Living Systems Art + Design Collaboratory
Design Challenge
The existential crises of this moment are revealing the gravity of our situation and our moral dilemma. While we have been busy building the modern world, we forgot to ask essential questions about truth, beauty, and good.
My hypothesis is that we can better understand metaphysical gravity through observation of what is already happening in the universe. We are in a gestational form that is gaining self-awareness and collective consciousness. I would love to have your help in documenting the awakening.
My approach to documenting the process of life is to engage in building a creative, collaborative, self-organizing learning community, which is what the Design Science Studio represents to me.
I have been presenting the mental models for human experience and metaphysical gravity that I have developed and have discovered that, if I walk people through the concepts to show how they are cyclical and exponential, and how certain inputs in values and aspirations will result in a scaling of those value systems in the form of technologies (tools), processes (habits), and social systems (communities), there appears to be a resonance with what they had been thinking but may have been unable to articulate.
The Evolution of Design: From physical artifacts to living systems
The community is the design artifact
My goal for the project would be to document the emerging community as a means to better research and understand how a model for metaphysical gravity could replace the existing model of hierarchical dominance.
I would appreciate your feedback on how best to organize these ideas as a proposal that aligns with your hopes and intentions for the Living Systems Art + Design Collaboratory.
Stephen Bau
Social Architect
Builders Collective
Building a world that works for 100% of life.