Resilience Breakout Room
Service Design Canada
During a 1-hour session on Monday, April 6, designers came together on Zoom to brainstorm our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We collaborated together on a shared Google doc to identify challenges, opportunities, and to share projects we need help with.
Activity Template
- ~2-min intro
- ~5-min heads down reflection on the following topics
- ~20-min discussion
- What challenges are we facing? How might we reframe some of these challenges?
- What are the greatest opportunities for the service design community? What role can we play?
- What are you working on, what challenges do you need help with?
Breakout Room
- Thinking that the pandemic is isolated from the interconnected global social, economic, political, and technological systems that we are building, maintaining, and perpetuating through design.
- The fear, scarcity, and competition that are the foundational values of our social, economic, and political systems.
- The timidity of designers to acknowledge their own complicity in the ecological crisis, of which this pandemic is a symptom, because we benefit and make our living from the existing systems.
- Globalization of industrial genocide and ecocide.
- The monopoly of governments and corporations over public discourse.
- Indigenous marginalization and criminalization creating conditions of high risk for contracting disease and increased death rates.
- Media literacy.
- Designers need to organize to regain power from a corporate model of economic activity that turns humans into wage slaves for banks and extractive nation states.
- Preventing corporations from looting the public purse while we are busy reimagining the value of being human.
Redesigning a political system that has been designed 152 years ago for the appropriation of land, exploitation of resources, and the genocide of Indigenous peoples.
Indigenization (Decolonization)
- Social Architecture: social, economic, political, and ecological systems thinking.
Radical Imagination
“In order to change the world, we first have to believe it’s possible. We need to tell stories about a better world we all deserve.”
— Eric Holthaus
Social Architecture
Exploring how we imagine, design, and build the future together
- Time, Energy & Resources
- Mental Models for Human Experience
- Cultural Evolution, Social Physics, and Metaphysical Design
- Builders Collective
Rethinking Economics
The 20th-century economists told us a story about who we are, based on John Stuart Mill’s persona of “Rational Economic Man” as purely self-interested, with little regard for the interests of others. “This value in self-interest and competition over collaboration and altruism, this model remakes us. It's incredibly important how we how we represent ourselves. It changes us.”
— Kate Raworth
- Extraction Empire
- Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World
- Temp: The Real Story of What Happened to Your Salary, Benefits, and Job Security
- Ruined by Design
- This is not a talk. This is a union meeting.
- Radical Imagination
- Social Prescribing
- Lost Connections
- Holochain - Privacy and Data Sovereignty
- Emergency Design Collective